Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

exiting small business

The best skin firming neck and face cream consists of ingredients that really work.

A neck and face cream to be safe and effective will have plant and other natural compounds. Much of the heavily advertised skin products have ingredients that can damage your face, neck and body skin. This article will alert you to some of what is good and what is bad in skin care products.

Harmful Ingredients One of the biggest offenders found in skin firming cream is petrolatum. Petrolatum, also known as, petroleum jelly is commonly used in just about everything. It is really a by-product from crude oil. When used on the skin it has a 'clogging' nature to the pores. Just because it feels good doesn't mean it is.

Petrolatum is usually concealed as mineral oil which sounds very healthful. Liquid petrolatum is mineral oil. It and other petroleum products have been suspected as having cancer connections. Don't use it if all possible. There are safe alternatives.

Ingredients That Are Safe

-Grape Seed Oil -Avocado Oil

An excellent ingredient for skin firming is grape seed oil. It is an antioxidant, which means it combats those free radicals that do cell damage. Free radicals can cause wrinkles. Another very good ingredient is avocado oil. Avocado oil is best used at bedtime since it is a little heavy for using during the day.

The goal in skin care is: If you look younger - you will feel younger. Firming skin or tightening skin is necessary to smoothing out skin wrinkles. A good way, if not the best way, is to grow new skin. Protein helps do this. But as we age, skin doesn't restore as it did when younger. The body skin needs help to renew skin growth. Nutrition is vital. Applying a skin firming cream with healthful nutrients is essential. Also taking a good fish oil supplement will help inside and outside of the body.

Some Skin Firming Creams Are Useless That sounds tough but it is true. Some are highly promoted on TV infomercials that are just plain junk. Expensive department stores hawk skin care products that smell great but have harmful fragrances. They are full of mostly synthetic ingredients that are cheap to make and do little for skin firming.

Imitation ingredients or synthetic compounds can be very dangerous. For example, paraben is a name you will find in many skin products. Paraben is a preservative to extend shelf life of the product so it doesn't spoil quickly. Parabens are under suspicion because they have been found in breast cancer patients. It is best not to use any kind of paraben; they are not necessary.

Make Better Choices Vitamin E is a preservative that is natural and safe. You will find it in quality skin firming face and neck creams. It should be natural vitamin E not synthetic. Ask the manufacturer which one they use. Combine vitamin E with grape seed extract and you have a very powerfully effective facial and neck cream.

Another Skin Care Danger Fragrances are used quite commonly used in many products. A fragrance is never defined by skin care producers; they are not required by law to do so, so they don't. But as it is many people are very sensitive to some fragrances. The ingredients in the fragrance are usually some concoction of chemicals to make the skin product smell good. But in fact the "smell" good can do you harm.

Fragrances often cause some people to have sneezing bouts, itchy throats and watery eyes. Around the face, neck and eyes is no place for something that will cause irritation. Avoid fragrances. Who knows what they really are doing to us. Again, read the label. Protect your health. Avoid parabens, fragrances and over the counter type products.

The best skin firming face and neck cream should have not one drop of parabens nor fragrances. It should contain real natural ingredients not synthetic ones. I hope this brief article has given you some food for thought on selecting safe skin care products especially neck and face firming creams. For more information see my website listed below for the best skin firming face cream.

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